Thank you to Steve Danczak for meeting with us to discuss his research about critical thinking in chemistry!

Recently, the Flynn Research Group had the opportunity to meet with Steve Danczak via Skype to learn more about his research on what the term "critical thinking" means to chemistry undergraduate students, teaching staff, and employers. Thank you very much Steve for sharing your insights and answering our many questions! 

To learn more, check out the following article:
Danczak, S .M.; Thompson, C. D.; Overton, T. L. "‘What does the term Critical Thinking mean to you?’ A qualitative analysis of chemistry undergraduate, teaching staff and employers' views of critical thinking" Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 201718, 420.

More About Steve Danczak:
PhD Candidate
Chemistry Education Research Group
Senior Teaching Associate
School of Chemistry
Monash University, Clayton