Congratulations Alison, Alisha, and Jacky!

Alison and Jeremy Kerr (uOttawa Biology) won the Leadership Award: Transition to Online and Distance Teaching! They developed Remote teaching: a practical guide with tools, tips, and techniques (French, English). The guide advises faculty members on efficient ways to convert to distance learning during the abrupt changes caused by the pandemic. Alison and Alisha co-organized TA workshops to help prepare TAs for the transition to online teaching.

Alisha and Meredith Allen (PhD student in chemistry) won the Transition to Online and Distance Teaching Award! Alisha and Meredith were authors on Remote teaching: a guide for teaching assistants (French, English). Alisha also facilitated many TA workshops to help TAs transition to distance learning.

Jacky was recognized as a Remarkable Student in uOttawa’s 2019–2020 Annual Research Report! Find out more here.