Professional and lifelong learning skills: EMPOWERING AND EQUIPPING learners

On this page:

  • The course

  • Summer Institute 2024

  • Meet the team

Designing a course for eCampusOntario’s Virtual Learning Strategy that will allow HQP in STEM to develop the skills to lead to more inclusive, equitable, and productive research environments.


Our team is developing a course that addresses 5 key areas to empower HQP and their faculty mentors with lifelong learning and professional skills: metacognition, project management, resilience, mentorship and navigating difficult conversations. We want to support HQP in developing skills that lead to more inclusive, equitable, and productive research environments. 

Our overall goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of an innovative, equitable, scalable, transferable training approach for trainees and new employees to strengthen their skills for success and further Canada’s strength and leadership in STEM. We will focus on trainees, including graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and employees who have recently transitioned to the workforce. We will use the project’s findings to identify better ways of helping persons prepare for, return to, and keep employment and be productive participants in the workforce. 

When the project is complete, we expect to see measurable improvements in skills in the targeted areas; reduced imposter syndrome, increased feelings of support, increased confidence, and empowered trainees. We want to create a coherent training program that will provide students with skills they can draw upon to be successful and that can be tested for efficacy and built upon over time.


Isabelle Barrette-Ng, University of Windsor

Chair of Integrative Biology and Professor (Integrative Biology), 3M National Teaching Fellow

Gino DiLabio, University of British Columbia - Okanagan

Dean of Science and Professor (Chemistry)

Alison Flynn, University of Ottawa

Professor (Chemistry), Associate Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs), 3M National Teaching Fellow

Kim Hellemans, Carleton University

Associate Dean of Science (Recruitment and Retention), Assistant Professor (Neuroscience), Provost’s Teaching Fellow

Isabelle Hinch, University of Windsor

Master’s Student

Jeremy Kerr, University of Ottawa

Chair of Biology, Professor (Biology), University Research Chair in Macroecology and Conservation

Sarah McPhedran, University of Ottawa

Undergraduate Student

Adam Pillon, University of Windsor

Master’s Student

Ashley Thompson, Carleton University

Adjunct Professor (Neuroscience), Teaching and Learning Services, Educational Developer

Bradley Wuetherick, University of British Columbia - Okanagan

Associate Provost (Academic Program)

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